Browse Hotels in Ventspils
Compare Hotels and Hotel Prices in VentspilsVentspils - Ventspils is situated on the Venta River and the Baltic Sea, and has an ice-free port. The city's name means "Castle on the Venta", ref. to the Venta River.
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Hotels in Latvia
Hotels in Riga Riga, Latvian capital which is situated at the coast and home of a major port for transports from mostly Russia. It has an old charming center.
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Hotels in Latvia
Hotels in Sigulda Sigulda, picturesque situated on a stretch of the Gauja river. Because of the reddish
sandstone Sigulda, called the "Switzerland of Vidzeme". Find Hotels in Sigulda |
Hotels in Latvia
Hotels in Jurmala Jurmala, is a holiday resort
town with over 30 km stretch of white sandy beach, and a population of 55,580, make it the 5th largest city in Latvia. Find Hotels in Jurmala |
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